Why Employment of politicians in cultural institutions is against the Law

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On 28 of December 2024 the Umukuka lll His Highness Jude Mike Mudoma,the Umukuka lll of the Bamasaba people made cabinet changes dropping off his Prime minister and other ministers in the cabinet of the Bamasaba cultural institution.

The spokesprson of the Bamasaba cultural institution Mr  Steven Masiga told  this website that there were various reasons for relieving them of responsibility.

The Umukuka lll was  Persuaded and guided  by Art 246(f) which discourages cultural leaders or his agents from participating in politics and this is further buttressed by the Cultural Leaders Act 2011 forexample sec.12(3)(d)states that any employee of the cultural or traditional institution shouldn’t engage in partisan politics.

‘’Many of those relived of responsibilities were active party members or chairpersons of political parties and where holding political party  cards , as former Parliamentary contestants or Lcv contestants forexample Hon Makweta Allan is a national unity platform (NUP) Parliamentary contestant which Position is an affront on various legal grounds’’, said  Masiga.

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While others like Former  Kumi Resident District commissioner  Ahamada washaki had become controversial instead of serving in his portfolio of reconciliation, he was reportedly busy engaged in intrigue against the cultural institution including constructive disengagement ,or self dismissal when he chose not  to address himself as inzuyamasaba official  in various cultural related meetings .

‘’He refused to work on the requests of the Acholi king  where he was supposed to mediate in a murder dispute between Umumasaaba and an Acholi who was killed by Umumasaba in line with the  Bamasaba cultural protocols and the Acholi maoputo ( local Acholi reconciliation)  this was supposed to be resolved through blood compensation which he failed to manage and yet the Umukuka had assigned him  the reconciliation docket .He failed to work for his cultural institution and was seen as being  insubordinate by the cultural Leader’’. said a source.

The Laws that creates cultural institutions forexample the constitution of Republic of Uganda  and other operative laws like the traditional and  cultural Leaders Act 2011 as amended empower Umukuka to assemble manpower to help him execute the  roles of a cultural institution  and he, is therefore at liberty to fire and  hire as well on behalf of the institution.

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The departing team will at an appropriate time be requested to handle over office to the incoming team .

The following officials were appointed during the mini cabinet reshuffle

Rt Hon Paul Mwambu as the New PM

Dr kosea wambaka as Deputy Prime minister

Mr Mwenyi Davis former District planner Manafwa  District and  now assistant commissioner office of the president as Deputy PM

Hon Emmanuel Mutanje as minister for investments and entrepreneurship development

Hon Makatu Patrick minister for Lands .

‘’Guided by the prevailing legal texts  ,as a cultural institution we shall ensure that any body with political ambitions resigns nine  months early as envisaged by the Law’’, added Masiga.

The following officials were relieved of responsibility

Former PM Charles walimbwa peke

Hon wedaira Nelson

Hon Ahamada washaki

Hon Allan Makweta etc.

‘’The cultural institution wishes this officials well outside the cultural establishment but they remain Bamasaba and will support the institution outside the cabinet structure of Bukuka’’, noted Masiga.

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