What you need to know about ELO-ENJO
Description and Indications
ELO-ENJO, formulated by Dr Lutoti who is Ugandan Pharmaceutical Expert, academician and Ministry of Health Heroes in Health award winning Pharmacist of the Years 2021& 2022 . ELO-ENJO is a standardized natural medicine manufactured on large scale by Eloipharm Uganda LTD, presented in form of a mixture with a pleasant taste for oral administration, packed in 200mls Amber coloured bottle with a graduated measuring cup.
ELO-ENJO has been specially formulated for the following indications:
✓ assists in managing loss of sexual feelings in both men and women
✓assists in having firm erections of the penis in men.
✓Assists in managing premature ejaculation in men
✓improves vaginal lubrication in women
✓ Helps ladies to reach and enjoy orgasm
✓improves sperm motility and morphology in men.
Ingredients/ composition of ELO-ENJO
Each 5ml of ELO-ENJO contains bioactive extracts of _Kigelia africana_ (Lam.)Benth 400mg , _Spathodea campanulata_ P. Beauv..500mg, _Coffea robusta_ L. Linden 800mg, _Citrullus lanatus_ (Thunb.)Matsumura & Nakai 4%w/v, Excipients qs.
Phytochemicals present in Elo-Enjo
Phytochemical screening of ELO-ENJO revealed presence of Coumarins, Naphthoquinones, Saponins, Alkaloids, Flavonoids, Tannins, Glycosides, Phenolic compounds, lignans and Triterpenoids.
Pharmacology of ELO-ENJOY
Investigation of fertility aspects of Elo-Enjo in albino rats gave the following indices:
✓Increased index libido 91.4%
✓ Quantal gravidity 82%
✓ Fertility index 90%
* Please use contraceptive in case you are not ready for pregnancy while using Elo-Enjo.
In terms of Copulatory behavior parameters, Elo-Enjo :
✓ Increased the number of erections (p<0.05)
✓ Increased ejaculation latency/ delay of ejaculation (p<0.05)
✓ Reduced hesitation time / mounting latency (p<0.05)
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✓ Increased the number of mounts (p<0.05).
✓ Increased intro-mission frequency (p<0.05).
How does ELO-ENJO work?
✓ Formulation of Elo-Enjo is based on extracts of medicinal plants with long history of ethno medicinal use as aphrodisiacs and available scientific evidence to support these uses. _Kigelia africana_ (Bignoniaceae) in ELO-ENJO significantly increases blood testosterone and follicle stimulating hormone levels. It significantly reduces testicular malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, increases glutathione levels and enhances testicular catalase activity. This helps in improving sperm morphology, count and motility.