Empower Young Girls:Energy Minister Nakabirwa Urges Women In Leadership

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The Minister of Energy and Mineral Development Dr Ruth Nankabirwa has urged Women in leadership to empower young girls by giving them guidance since they are the future leaders of tomorrow.
Nankwabirwa made the remarks while officiating at the Women in Energy Forum, organized by Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA) under the Theme: Fostering Women’s participation in the energy sector at strategic levels.
“I advise all Women in leadership in the respective capacities especially Women in energy sector to always go back to your former respective schools and give guidance and courage to the young future Woman” she said at Golf Course Hotel in Kampala on Thursday adding that the the future Women (young girls) should be inspired by women in leadership and encourage them to prioritize Science,Technology,Engineering and Mathematics as president Museveni advised”.
Nankabirwa further advised women in energy to always keep delivering to their targets and maintain their good relationship with their husbands despite holding in powerful offices.
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Nankabirwa  was recently nominated a patron of East African Women in extractive Energy.

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She was also awarded by African Women in Energy international in Texas USA  in recognition of her work in promoting the energy sector.
Ever since Nankabirwa assumed office ,the MEMD has registered tremendous success in various aspects.
Minister Nakabirwa
The ministry has four major roles including;Providing policy guidance in the development and exploitation of the Energy, Mineral, Oil and Gas resources;Creating an enabling environment in order to attract investment in the development, provision and utilization of energy and mineral resources; Acquiring, process and interpret technical data in order to establish the energy and mineral resource potential of the country and; To inspect, regulate, monitor and evaluate activities of private companies in energy and mineral sectors so that the resources are developed, exploited and used on a rational and sustainable basis.
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