World Gears up for WOPI’s Faith Based Approach to Mental & Research Conference

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The much anticipated Faith –Based Approach to Mental Health & Mental Health Research conference is scheduled for August 18th -20th 2023 at Hilton Garden Inn 450 Totten Pond Road ,Waltham Ma,United States where several speakers and experts will share insight about  Mental health.

Dorothy Ssebakka (Founder & President, WOPIBoston International

About 970 million people around the world struggle with some mental illness or drug abuse. 1 in 4 people will be affected by a mental illness at some point in their lives. 14.3% of deaths worldwide, or approximately 8 million deaths each year, are attributable to mental disorders. The United States has the highest global death rate from mental health issues. 19.86% of adults are experiencing a mental illness, and 4.91% are experiencing a severe mental illness.

Organized by WOPI Boston International, the Faith Based Approach to Mental Health & Mental Health Research Conference will be in a hybrid format allowing for both physical and virtual participation. Thousands of key stakeholders will gather at Hilton Garden Inn and online to discuss issues concerning mental health.

World Gears up for WOPI’s Faith Based Approach to Mental & Research Conference is slated for August 18th -20th 2023 at Hilton Garden Inn 45 Totten Pond Road ,Waltham Ma

According to Dorothy Ssebakka, the founder of WOPI Boston International and renowned Minister, Evangelist, Philanthropist, Mentor and a Public Speaker who is currently stretching the calling to other continents around the globe, WOPI Boston is trying to break the stigma and shame around mental health and connect people to the available resources

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‘’WOPI Boston would like to express their gratitude to McLean Hospital for providing their clinicians who will be coming out to our community to provide education related to Mental Health problems. They will be speaking about issues that include cultural adaption for families that have emigrated from Africa. They will also discuss signs and symptoms of depression, drug abuse and suicide. Panelists will focus on mental health issues that affect adolescents. Activities that will focus on the whole family will include hands on activities on the brain and how it affects thoughts, emotions and behaviors’’, noted Ssebaka during an interview.

She added that WOPI Boston is trying to bring professionals to educate and bring awareness in the area of mental health in the Boston Black communities especially the African community and they will discuss suicide prevention, as many communities have lost people to the same.

‘’We want to bring awareness to Implement prevention programs that include awareness campaigns, crisis intervention services, and train community faith leaders. Suicide help line number 988’’, she emphasized.

Some of the key note speakers and experts to grace the event are;Dr Tatiana Londono the a mental health & wellbeing scholar ,Pr.Abbycollins Lukeera a Ugandan Pastor, Dr.Lena .G Clark a mental health coach ,Sophia .L.Maurasse  a medical Director &  instructor , and Sabina Berretta an associate professor of psychiatry at Havard medical school.

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World Gears up for WOPI’s Faith Based Approach to Mental & Research Conference is slated for August 18th -20th 2023 at Hilton Garden Inn 45 Totten Pond Road ,Waltham Ma

The three day event will have modules of; age-specific  Q & A sessions of mental health ,cultural conflict workshop for teens & young adults  and the general session for families on the last day.

Mental health is a human rights issue and impacts everyone. Caring for people who suffer from mental illness or addiction can change the world and the lives of people around the world.

This is one the reasons WOPI-Boston International has been at the front position of empowering immigrant women and families as they settle in their new homes in America.

‘’We strive to eliminate domestic violence, discrimination and harassment in work places, schools and other sectors of society.’’, noted Ssebaka.

WOPI-Boston International (incorporated as ‘Women of Purpose International’) was initially formed in 2008 following an inspired calling in Waltham, Massachusetts by Dorothy Ssebakka.

Through her wise decision, Dorothy observed that despite having been empowered in various ways, immigrant women still have a challenge of embracing the (unfamiliar) US development opportunities- opportunities which are needed for these women to positively benefit from their communities by accessing the resources available therein.

About WOPI-Boston International

WOPI-Boston International founded the ‘care team’ in 2013 specifically with the role of feeding the homeless, offering grief counseling, visiting the sick, and the incarcerated, not just with physical substance, but the spiritual food of our Lord, Jesus Christ offers services which include; Fellowship Programs, Civic Educational Classes, Feeding the Homeless and visiting initiatives.

WOPI which aims to be a network of self-sufficient chapters of Women of Purpose International, who provide support to communities of immigrant women and their families, uses fellowship to empower immigrant women and their families to achieve their pre-ordained destinies.

WOPI Ministry, whose values include; families, Hardworking, spirit of sharing, community service also networks and partners with religious or secular institutions to heal, deliver, support, and motivate.

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