UCSATP PROJECT: Minister Tumwebaze Urges Beneficiaries to put the infrastructure to good use

UCSATP PROJECT: Minister Tumwebaze Urges Beneficiaries to put the infrastructure to good use
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The National Stakeholder Engagement Workshop for Uganda Climate-Smart Agricultural Transformation Project has been officially opened today by the Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Hon. Frank Tumwebaze at the Common Wealth Resort Hotel, Munyonyo.

UCSATP PROJECT: Minister Tumwebaze Urges Beneficiaries to put the infrastructure to good use

While opening the workshop, Hon.Tumwebaze pledged to follow-up with Local Governments on tractors that have not been put to use and challenged the groups that earlier benefited from the matching grants under ACDP to ensure they utilize the infrastructures that they were given and put them to it’s intended purpose.

UCSATP PROJECT: Minister Tumwebaze Urges Beneficiaries to put the infrastructure to good use

“This is the first project l have officially commissioned since l joined the Ministry, l look forward to seeing UCSATP succeed” Hon. Tumwebaze said.

The National Project Coordinator, Eng. Boniface Okanya revealed that the project is doing multi purpose activities where they will carryout livestock watering, construction of fish ponds and stock the dams with fish fingerlings.

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“In areas where there is land the project will develop line watering facilities which will help in irrigation” Eng. Okanya noted.

The engagement has brought together District Chairpersons, Residential District Commissioners, Chief Administrative Officers and District Production staff from 69 Districts of Uganda and will run from Tuesday 19th- 21st November 2024

The objectives of the workshop are to, create an understanding of project Implementation arrangements, build capacity of the project stakeholders on the project strategic direction, Clarifying on the roles and responsibilities of the project stakeholders and experience sharing on Climate Smart Agriculture implementation and adoption.

The Permanent Secretary was represented by the Under Secretary, Mr. Ronald Gyagenda Ssegawa.

The Uganda Climate-Smart Agricultural Transformation Project (UCSATP) is a six (6) year implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisherries and its agencies the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO); the National Animal Genetics Resources Centre and Data Bank (NAGRC &DB) and Uganda National Metereological Authority (UNMA).

he objective of the project is to increase productivity, market access and resilience of select value chains in the project area and to respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency.

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