Minister Frank Tumwebaze Uganda on Uganda Coffee Development Authority Rationalization

First of all, i think many have chosen to play politics and aren’t willing to understand the merits of Why government wants a streamlined and rationalized structure of delivering services. I don’t think that they are debating the development of coffee anymore. It’s only politics that i see .
The exercise of rationalization is not about UCDA alone . It’s a re-organization of the entire government structure of service delivery. Rationalization seeks to eliminate scattering of scarce resources across many government institutions doing the same work. It seeks to consolidate resources and efforts.
Is that bad a policy? Certainly not. I see other voices saying that why not reduce on the other arms of government. That’s not a problem. May be this Rationalization of agencies debate could give us a starting point on the need for an entire public sector reform ( Parliament size, cabinet, districts etc).
How can someone say that I don’t trust the intentions of government but yet again trust UCDA? UCDA is part of government and was created by government. I think Ugandans forget so easily. The very same voices now bidding for UCDA, were the same that harshly condemned UCDA last year that it had withdrawn membership from the international Coffee Organization (ICO )and that because of that withdrawal , Ugandan coffee was going to suffer and loose market.
I havent seen Ugandan coffee loose market. To the contrary, the prices have been increasing exponentially. They condemned UCDA, condemned me as minister, and called us all sorts of names as clueless people messing up the coffee sector. The same voices that condemned UCDA for withdrawing from ICO are the same now claiming that UCDA UCDA is internationally accredited.
That is why i chose to sometimes keep quiet on some of these people especially when the debate is deliberately driven to take on unnecessary polarizing sentiments. My appeal to them is that coffee is for all of us. Whoever has a garden of coffee; small or big ( like I do personally) is an equal stake holder. Its therefore arrogance to believe and assert that coffee is for a few or a certain region. This is wrong and it doesn’t help the future of our country. Then there is talk that the ministry of agriculture cant handle the work of UCDA. That the ministry has no capacity.
This is another falsehood. What is that work of UCDA that is so complex? The staff in UCDA are agronomists that offer agricultural extension work just like those of the ministry . Most, if not all, those staff in UCDA came from the ministry and moved to UCDA because of better Pay that agencies had over ministries. The current MD of UCDA, for example, Dr Yamulyemye, came from MAAIF. So there is nothing technical that UCDA staff are doing that ministry of agriculture staff can’t do.
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