Buganda Kingdom, Dr. Kasasa Mutungo Land Battle Escalates

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Land and Property wrangles are threatening to destroy the Kingdom which are all fueled by greedy and treachery. The Locals have appealed to President Museveni to stop the greedy leaders from land grabbing.

Buganda Kingdom or Mengo Kingdom is said to be on the cliff over the way the Kingdom officials are handling issues especially the land wrangles and court disputes that have engulfed the Kingdom.

The battles present in two forms; one, the royalists fighting each other and secondly the royalists and the Buganda Kingdom officials fighting with the local people some of whom are actually subjects of the Kingdom whom they are supposed to defend and support.

A gentleman who has closely monitored a case from Luzira involving a Kampala businessman Dr. Muhammad Buwule Kasasa who is now battling a compensation case of Mutungo land in Kampala with Mengo Royals said it is so sad that Dr Kasasa has been fought by Mengo Kingdom yet he even treated the late Sir Edward Mutesa II.

“Dr Kasasa in his youthful stage as a fresh Doctor from Uganda Medical School and Makerere treated the late Sir Edward Mutesa II and served the Kingdom and should not have been paid like this by King Mwenda Mutebi and the entire family the late Sir Edward Mutesa II. I have seen him in court with the family of the late Sir Edward Mutesa II its has been ugly and it is not necessary except that some people are greedy and treacherous” the gentleman said.

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The family of the late Sir Edward Mutesa II who are usually represented by Buganda’s Prince David Wasajja have off course the support of their Principal the Kabaka or King Mwenda Mutebi.

“Dr Kasasa has been defeating them in court on a number of times on this Mutungo land case.  The land measures around 639 acres (Mutungo- Kampala), buy they do not give up”

Dr. Kasasa when contacted to comment on the matter he said he is not allowed to speak about a court case.

But some friends of his maintain that Dr. Kasasa is the rightful owner of the contested land, with land tittles after Kabaka Mutesa sold the land but however, Mengo through Buganda’s Prince David Wasajja and Mutesa’s siblings have contested the ownership to date although they seem to be chasing hot air and have since failed to prove in court two cases on the same suit land (227 and 622).

In the first case they sued Dr. Kasasa for allegedly stealing their land and to the same High court in Uganda sued government asking for compensation for loss of the same land demanding for about sh200BN.

Information at Uganda Land Commission and in the line, ministry indicates that Dr. Kasasa bought the Mutungo land in 1979 from Barclays bank where its title had been mortgaged. Dr. Kasasa is said to have purchased this land as 3rd buyer.

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Details about Mutungo land

The land in dispute is approximately 640 acres and  once belonged to the late King of Buganda Sir Edward Mutesa II but he reportedly disposed it off in the late 1960’s and was later sold to Dr. Kasasa in 1978 by Barclays Bank when its owner failed to service a bank loan. The property had been mortgaged in the bank specifically under what is termed as equitable mortgage.

Buganda’s King Ronald Mutebi and Prince David Wasajja and other family members registered case number 227/2005 saying they lost their land at the connivance of government officials (whom they did not sue) with the purchasers and that since it is unrecoverable they should be compensated sh192BN.

In this case they demanded compensation saying government made mistakes and the land is un recoverable. And to emphasis the point they hired a valuer; Dinge Professional services that valued Mutungo land in May 2006 and came up with sh192BN demanded as compensation.

The valuation report was signed by Dr. Stephen E. Kituuka who said basing on the fact that Mutungo is prime and the surrounding developments each acre was worth sh 300million all totaling to sh192BN for 640 acres.

When an expert was contacted, he said its foolery that Mengo wants both compensation and Dr. Kasasa’s land.

“It is foolery that Mengo wants both compensation and Dr. Kasasa Mutungo land. They must choose and pursue one case,” the expert added.

History of the Mutungo case

Simon Kizza, Dr Kasasa’s lawyer some time back said that Mengo is wrong to sue government for loss of land and at the same time sue Dr Kasasa for fraud over the same property.

He then said Mutesa’s family is seeking for compensation of sh 200BN from government and another for fraud against Dr. Kasasa which is case 622 in the High court.

Different people in the central region (Buganda) have reportedly lost property and land to some Mengo officials and besides this, some Mengo royalists are also having very bitter fights and court disputes for property and land.

Consequently, some affected people have appealed to President Museveni and the central government to stop the alleged land grabbing cases by some Mengo officials which is being done with impunity.

“If Mengo does not stop this greedy for property and treacherous behavior against each other and their subjects they are on a serious journey of self-destruction” a local in Nakawa Division said. Efforts to secure a comment from Mengo Kingdom were futile by press time



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