Modern Group Boss Monpara Hails Gov’t on Peace, Policies Fostering Investment

Modern Group Boss Monpara Hails Gov’t on Peace, Policies Fostering Investment

Uganda – UAE Business Forum: Modern Group Boss Monpara Hails Gov’t on Peace, Policies Fostering Investment

Ashish Monpara, The Chairman of Modern Group Limited (R) with Mr Robert Mukiza from UIA

The Chairman of Modern Group Limited, Ashish Monpara, has attributed Uganda’s flourishing Industrial sector to the good policy decisions made by the ruling government which is improving the country’s economy.


Mr.Monpara was speaking to Journalists at the ongoing Uganda – UAE Business Forum at the Speke Resort and Conference Center in Munyonyo, Kampala. The Forum, which is in its second edition, started on October 10 and will run until 13 under the theme ‘Uganda, the gateway of the UAE to the EAC region’.

Ashish Monpara, The Chairman of Modern Group Limited

‘’Government has created a conducive environment that has enabled investors to come and invest in the country, and reassuring investors of a ready market for their products not only in Uganda but for the region’’,said Monpara.

Monpara added that Uganda is a center of Peace which has been extended to the region to create, Profits and Prosperity. He noted that the Peace that was ushered in and is being maintained by the Government under a conducive environment for investors to run and grow businesses.

Ashish Monpara, The Chairman of Modern Group Limited with other officials at the Uganda-UAE Buiness Forum

“These businesses through tax revenues, employment opportunities to Ugandans and production of quality products in goods and services translate into Prosperity for all of us as a nation and the region’’, added Monpara.

Mompara highly praised President Museveni for overseeing the transformation of Uganda and supporting policies that enable investment opportunities in Uganda adding that the Peace and tranquility across the entire nation gives us confidence to invest our returns and attract other new investors and traders.”

Uganda’s government has always focused on private-sector driven growth, identifying entrepreneurship as a key driver, ahead of capital, labour and natural resources.  Monpara and his modern group continue marketing the country and attracting more investors through their quality products and services.

The Minister of State for Investment Evelyn Anite said “Uganda – United Arab Emirates (UAE) Business Forum will foster Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), boost exports, promote tourism, facilitate technology transfers, and strengthen ties between the two nations”. 

Speaking at the Forum, Uganda’s Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja said she was “honored to preside over the Uganda-UAE Business Forum as it provides a platform to enhance Uganda’s export competitiveness, attract more foreign investment and tourists, and jointly tackle common business challenges between our nations while charting a path forward.

Uganda Tourism Board Chief Executive Lilly Ajarova urged participants to explore the magic of Uganda, Experience its abundant wildlife, delve into its captivating history and culture, bask in its stunning landscapes, venture into aquatic wonders, and connect with its welcoming people.

Modern Group is a diversified organization in Uganda, Africa and one of the leading group of industries comprising more than 5 companies. It has created a world class supply chain management that has capabilities to develop business in any corner of the world. Over the years, Modern Group aims to position itself to be the market leader in all of the businesses focusing on large scale infrastructure development in Uganda with practices benchmarked to global standards.

Modern Group of Industries always step ahead to help Uganda meet its manufacturing & exports while minimising the impact on the environment is a crucial challenge. Our environment protection initiatives aim to help curb the dangers of eroding landscapes of Uganda and keep them to fertile, greener blankets of land.

The group has invested in; Alcohol Distillery, Carbon Dioxide Gas, Tiles, Aluminium Profiling, Organic Fertilizer, Hand Sanitizer, sugar production among other areas of investment.

Ashish MonparaAshishi MonparaBuikwe Industrial ParkMbikko Stock FarmModern AluminiumModern DistilleryModern TilesMunyonyo Speke Resort gardensNjeru DivisionThe Chairman of Modern Group LimitedThe Minister of State for Investment Evelyn AniteUganda - United Arab Emirates (UAE) Business ForumUganda Tourism Board Chief Executive Lilly AjarovaUganda’s Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja
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