Energy Minister Nankabirwa Urges Women to Embrace Science & Technology

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The minister of Energy and Mineral Development Dr Ruth Nankwabirwa has advised Women to Embrace Science and technology.
Minister Nankabirwa made the remarks while officiating Women’s Day celebrations in Kiboga district.
The events were held at the district playground and it was organized under the Theme: equal opportunities in education, science and technology for innovation and a gender equal future.
“The only way to compete with the first world countries is to embrace science, technology and innovation of which president Museveni has been advising on this several times” she stressed.
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” I advise all mothers to always give guidance and courage to their children especially girls to prioritize science and technology for them to compete with others” Nankabirwa added

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Kiboga district women council chairperson Caroline Musoke said that the celebrations of women’s day in Kiboga is a call for bringing women and other marginalized groups into technology results in more creative solutions and greater potentials for innovation that meet women’s needs and promote gender equality.
Musoke further commended minister Nankabirwa for being a good mother to the people of Kiboga and beyond.
Meanwhile Kiboga district RDC Ms Mariam Sseuguya also advised women to embrace government programs to enable them to fight poverty.
“Use government programs like parish development model (PDM), women Entrepreneurship fund and Emyooga. These programs will help you (women) to uplift your standards of living” she added.
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